Attendance System

An RFID based Attendance System using NodeMCU, integrated with an SQL server.

General Overview

An online attendance system made using the NodeMCU. The project uses RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) with indicator lights, to record student attendances. A webpage handles the registration of new RFID tags under the name of the student. A second webpage is used to get the attendance records of the entire student body. The system is secure and has 3 custom “Keys” to ensure there is no access to any third party or false records made by someone with malicious intents.

Summary of Features

  1. RFID: modern, fast and accurate system
  2. LED Indicators
    • Green LED : Student marked as present successfully
    • Yellow LED : Student already marked as present
    • Red LED : Student not recognized
  3. Registered students only
  4. Security Keys : Ensure a controlled access
    • Key #1 : For marking attendance of students, possessed by “School Certified” attendance recorders
    • Key #2 : For viewing the attendance record of the entire school body, possessed by school administration
      • For a “key-less” viewing of the attendance record, the student must state it’s registration ID (Personal RFID assigned by administration). This will allow the student to see his own attendance records only
    • Key #3 : For registering new tags, possessed by school administration
  5. SQL Server : All records are stored on an SQL server and can hence be modified as the administration wills to

Code Overview



Circuit Overview

This is the circuit for an Attendance Recorder

The Attendance Recorder

The RFID Tags