Another website in development

I am building another website with a few friends. As of the moment we are browsing for ideas. The current proposed idea is an online PCB Printing service for pakistan.

On hold due to our own personal academics, but we are definitely building a website. We are looking for an idea that fulfills the following requirements:

  • Appropriate difficulty level
  • Useful to others
  • Requires work on both front-end and back-end
  • If possible, could be sold to certain people

Proposed Idea

Online PCB printing service

Proposed by M. Umar Shahbaz

  • Appropriate difficulty level
  • Useful to others
  • Requires work on both front-end and back-end
  • If possible, could be sold to certain people

There are multiple places online that print PCB boards and then deliver it to people’s home.

However, there are no such websites in Pakistan even though the facility is available offline.

We can build this website and then sell it to someone who can print PCB boards.

There should be many people who want to increase the number of their customers, hence making this website feasible.