Basic Electronics part 2

Lecture 4 of Digital Electronics Course

In order for you to physically make circuits, you need to know the basic concepts of electronics.


A wire is a metallic conductor. Its purpose is to allow the flow of current through itself. There are 2 types of wires Solid core and Soft core


A resistor is also a conductor but it has a unique property. It doesn’t fully accommodate the flow of current through it. It resists the flow of current to a certain extent. Its purpose is to decrease the flow of current to a certain extent. There are multiple types of resistors but the one you need to be aware of right now is the Carbon Film Resistor.


There are multiple ways to get an input in a physical circuit. It can be done from a pushbutton, a switch or even other logic circuits.

The Input can be whatever you wish it to be, the only rule is that it must have 2 distinct values, HIGH and LOW.


The following is an example of a pushbutton being used as an input. When pressed, the “pin” receives an input of LOW and when the pushbutton is released, the “pin” receives an input of HIGH.